Southern Polytechnic
State University
1100 South Marietta Parkway
Cobb | Cumberland
Southern Polytechnic State University has a unique purpose. Through a fusion of technology with the liberal arts and sciences, the SPSU learning community encourages inquiry, diverse perspectives, and strong preparation of graduates to be leaders in an increasingly technological world. The university offers bachelor's and master's degrees and continuing professional development in science, engineering, technology, architecture and related fields. The residential university of 4,300 students was founded in 1948. It offers a naturally wooded campus of approximately 200 acres in Marietta, about 20 miles northwest of dynamic downtown Atlanta. SPSU is a university of diverse and talented students. Entering freshmen rank in the top four highest SAT scores in the University System of Georgia. The student body is 16 percent international. The American Society for Engineering Education ranks SPSU No.1 in the nation for the number of African American students earning bachelor's degrees and master's degrees in engineering technology. Southern Polytechnic is also a university of unique programs. The construction engineering program is one of only nine such programs in the United States. The university's mechantronics engineering degree is the first offered in Georgia. SPSU offers the only nationally accredited bachelor of architecture degree from a public institution in Georgia.